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Well the game imitates Sonic very closely and inherits its strenghts and also its very obvious and numerous weaknesses in game design (low player agency, pointless speed, etc.)

In regards of implementation, you did a great job here! Thumbs up! :-)

As a Genesis kid I consider this to be a great compliment. Thank you. ^^


The game looks pretty. I didn't games like this when I was young but I do watch a lot of retrospectives, and I could totally see this being some obscure platformer I never heard of. If you make a full version you might want to make the decending platforms a bit slower to decend, because I found them a bit frusterating particularly since they are at the bottom of the level, where bad players (like me) fall. Though perhaps your goal is for the super hard kids game like I have heard some of the platformers from the 90s were.  I found this game engading enough to play the entire level even though this style of platforming isn't really my thing. I hope you do well in your course.


Hi, thank you for trying it out and thanks for all the feedback. I think I might actually start from scratch if I ever decide to make a full version, so I shall definitely consider your points and try to make the game more accessible. :)

:) Best of luck

Thanks :)